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100% FREE Coral Frag Swap

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Trade anything Coral or Reef related, pay nothing. There are no membership fees or commissions taken on trades. This community is free to contact, post and trade with other members. Register today and start trading with people all over the world.

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If any of our moderators feel you have posted an exceptional
ad with valid and full information and the ad includes a very attractive picture
of your item, we will also automatically change your listing to a Featured Ad
Absolutely 100% FREE! So do a good job on your ads and get free headliner
positioning. "So don't be surprised if you find your ad has been upgraded
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Sponsor Notice: Contact us direct if you have anything you would
like to offer our members an opportunity to win in one of our monthly drawings.
We give away something at the end of every month drawn in a blind random drawing
from all ads posted in that month! Get some great advertising for your
product and appreciation by hobbyists for being so generous.

Member Notice: Show your appreciation to these sponsors monthly
giveaways by advertising and sharing what's prize is being given away each month
to your local marine and reef club, retailer, forum, friends and other
hobbyists. It's a win win for us all!

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